Martha Zulu Master Weaver

Martha's '' Zulu Weaver studio'' is based in a converted warehouse in the heart of Lusaka's bustling C.B.D. making a visit an interesting and exciting adventure.The colours and everyday life in Lusaka influence the designs and patterns on Martha's woven fabrics.Using mainly the best Zambian cotton she makes fabrics for different purposes such as
- table cloths / mats
- throws for chairs and lounges
- cushions
- bed spreads
- curtains
- scarves
- clothing
- wall hangings

Sam Lungu has worked with Martha for over 15 years and has become an outstanding weaver in his own right.In fact Sam is a wonderful story having spent years as a street kid on the streets of Lusaka. He was part of the Zintu Street Kids Project, an art based program to assist kids elevate themselves from a tough life on the streets. Sam is who is also a father of 3 children is a highly skilled all round craftsman. A lesson to all what can be achieved when Lusaka's street kids are given an opportunity in life.